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Gabriela Marín Velásquez

Posted on: March 1, 2024

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Gabriela Marín Velásquez, better known by her loved ones as “Tía Gaby” came from a large Colombian family of 11 brothers and sisters. Her home, although not a large one, always seemed to have enough room for her whole family. 

She opened her home to many over the years, whether it was for an evening coffee chat, or to stay for extended periods of time while they got back on their feet. 

And speaking of feet, she had a pair of dancing feet that were unparalleled. Spark up a good salsa song by Marc Anthony and you couldn’t sit her down! She was kind and selfless but also feisty and outspoken; definitely a multi-dimensional personality that all around her loved! 

She is survived by her husband, Humberto, her only son, Andres, and two grandchildren. Heaven has gained a dancing angel!