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Racing to End Alzheimer’s FAQs

The organization

Is Racing to End Alzheimer’s a 501(c)3 charitable organization?


Is my donation tax-deductible?


What will my donation actually be used for?

asdhask dkashd kashdklahsk dhaskdh kh kl

What portion of each donation goes toward administrative costs?

asjdlka slja ljasljaslj dljasdl aslkdj laj jñ

The honorees

When will you add the name of my honoree to the car?

sdsdf sd fsz fgzfzf gfg

Can I just donate to the organization without naming an honoree?

asd s fsdf s fdgdsfg sdfgfgd f

What is the Wall of Champions? Will my honoree be on it?

sdf sdf sdf sdfsdf s

Can I arrange to have my honoree appear on the car every year?

sad lkalsd fsdklf skdfhksdfklsdfk

The process

What’s the process for making a donation?

asddasdac scsc ascasc

Will you notify me when my honoree’s name is on the car?

sadasd asa sfasf asf

How can I view the car when it has my honoree’s name on it?

asd asd asd asd asd

When and where will the car be racing this year?

sadjh asdl haskjdh kasdh lk

The Work

What organizations does Racing to End Alzheimer’s support?

asasd asd asasd asd

Why did you choose the organizations that receive your funding?

asd sd fsdf sd

How much have you raised for Alzheimer’s care and research?

asd sa as sdf sdf

What’s the best way for me to share news about my donation and your work with others?

sdasdasd csdasa asd afs